Tuesday 7 November 2017


Ladies!  Have you ever wondered why that man no longer gives you proper attention?  Proper care as he used to?
He no longer compliments you as he
used to, hardly calls and replies your messages?

Well, what I'm about to say is going to hurt but I'm sure you already know that he has another woman somewhere. They call it the side chick. Problem is you do not even know which you are. The main or the side dish.

I'm going to be listing 10signs to look out for in case you have any doubts about your man.

1. Hardly says I LOVE YOU - Love flows naturally and when a  man truly loves you, it doesn't take anything to constantly tell you that he does. It doesn't suddenly bore him to say "I LOVE YOU ". In a relationship, constantly reminding your spouse how you feel about him/her verbally is necessary no matter how long you have been together.

2. Changes his dress style /sense - Okay!  This applies to almost every one. When human beings are trying to impress or attract some things or some people, they tend to change one or two things about themselves. Everybody wants to show off and men are not exempted. When a man goes hunting for another lady, he does everything to impress the lady especially if she is out of his league. He shops for new clothes, gets a new hair cut, gets a new alluring fragrance.

You might say "oh he's trying to look good for me ". No darling, you're his already. Men don't go through the extra stress of always impressing their spouse because you've accepted them the way they are.

3. Compares you with her INDIRECTLY -  When your man begins to nag about everything you do. When he even takes the next step to compare with an unknown figure /being. Honey, there's probably another who looks a bit slim than you, a woman who dresses more fabulous than you, generally a woman who looks better than you do. He might say " Other women don't look as fat as you do, Other women do this, Other women don't do that " Ask yourself who the other women are and how does he know all that.

When a man gets attracted to other women, he tends to compare you with them.

4. He doesn't call back - Yes, yes I know. He's a busy man. He's not always with his cellphone. Who's fooling who?  He used to call back as soon as he missed your call. But now you're making excuses for him?  Honey don't do that to yourself.

Probably when you're not together and you call. He might not have intentionally ignored your call but he intentionally doesn't call back. He is no longer excited about talking to you. He is busy thinking of new ways to hunt down that other woman. Thinking of smooth lines he'd use to charm her.

Note : Men are hunters. When a hunter hunts, he no longer gives attention or time to other activities until he reaches his target.

5. Takes time to reply your messages - Just like number 4. Bottom line is he isn't excited to talk with you. It seems you now bore him. You are old story. And men get bored easily. Men love challenges. They want fun. So when you start to relax on them. They change the game and look for fun else where.

Tip : Be on your toe ladies. Find out what excites your man and never bore him. Challenge him. Get creative and don't just relax.

6. Travels often - Every weekend, he's off to some business meeting somewhere out of town. Where does this happen?  My darling, well if it does happen 8 weekends out of 10. He's playing you and you gotta watch it girl!
(I certainly would love to travel with him and meet all his business partners and brag about how hardworking my partner is but please can they leave him alone in peace? ) Lol!  I'm so Extra!

7. Receives late night calls - About 11pm-1am. He sneaks outta bed to supposedly answer a business /office call. Oshey!  Doesn't your boss sleep?  Why are you laughing during a supposedly business call?  You have to warn him about his late night business calls and then you'd see, he'll definitely switch to late night texting. Lol.

8. Comes home late more often - I don't even need to stress this. If your man used to return home from work or wherever at 4pm-6pm and for the past two weeks, his regular time is 9-10pm. Babe chill, don't faint yet. You can still revive that relationship.

9. Spends extravagantly lately - Well it's obvious, in the course of impressing the woman he's hunting, He has to spend more money.

Except from taking extra care of how he looks or smells, He has to do the same for the lady. He takes her out on dinner dates, buys her a lot of expensive gifts and lots more. This is a very important sign you have to lol out for. If a man can't be accountable for the money he spends honestly, forget it. He's investing it somewhere he doesn't want you to know about.

10. Gets really irritated or angry when you touch his phone - A mere touch can irritate him. I'm not even talking about going through it. He becomes unsteady. He nags a lot lecturing you that it's his personal property and you should never ever come close to it. Don't be shocked honey!  Yes!  I know!  That behavior might shock you because it's the first time he's felt indifferent about you going through his phone (maybe his pictures or some new videos or playlist) but then like a tiger, he gets hyper active when you now touch his phone.

I really took out time to research and learn from my own experiences before writing a whole lot about it.

Note that this may not apply to all men. Also note that when they exhibit some of these traits, they may not necessarily be cheating on you but they are already bored of the relationship.

But if 5-7 of these applies, then you have to watch it. Seek for solutions if you want to keep him. (If he's worth it)

Don't forget to subscribe and comment /share your thoughts and experiences in the box below!

With love,
Sisi idy.

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