Wednesday, 13 December 2017


Disclaimer : Grab a cup of coffee or tea or something!  This is going to be a long session! 

Over a year ago, I concluded I was going to be a blogger. Last year, I was helping a friend keep up with his entertainment news blog. While at it, I got to learn a couple of things that has whipped me into shape. Although I wasn't spending much financially, it took a lot of my time. Sourcing for news or content can be time sapping.

Now this year, I wanted to start up my personal blog. A fashion and lifestyle blog. I wanted to share how my style had and has revolved over the years. 

I thought it was going to be easy. Guess what?  It's far from easy or simple. People see just the glitz and glamour but don't know what goes on behind the scenes. At a point, I saw that too and I wanted in (in) the blogging world already. I just wanted to glow. To take nice pictures in nice outfits and make a blog post about them. 

They will tell you all you need is a laptop, a camera, cute outfits and catchy phrases!  It's part of it but more than that. The most important requirement for this passion (for some) or career (for others)  is creativity, constitency and patience. Did I mention funds too? Blogging is not for  broke people. It's not something you just wake one day and decide to do since you are broke, so you can earn money from it. 

In the blogging world, you spend money to earn money, not immediately but someday. So sitting back on your couch with your computer creating contents on your blog is not just going to be enough . You need to have incoming funds. Because trust me, you are going to spend. On sourcing for contents, photography, collaborations, Shopping for pieces suitable to your style, keeping up with the trends ? You are going to.

So yes, first point. You need to be financially stable because you will spend a lot.

Second of all, creativity is key. Learning from others isn't so bad but please don't copy their every step or move. Be your own brand. Have your own image. Do your own thing and be creative about it. You'll only be recognized when you've strategized into becoming your own blogger. 

Patience and consistency is the greatest of all. It's going to seem boring one day. Going to seem like nothing is working out and you're not making any progress. Blogging is like growing up. You learn how to crawl, soon you start to stand. You then make baby steps before finally walking the walk. So take your time, it's not going to be fun all the time. That's why you need to put your feelings in check and remember why you started blogging in the first place. As a blogger, discipline is required. 

Every blogger passes through this phase. That point you feel you've reached the end of the road. At that point, you are going to be the only motivation you'll need. So it's okay, what you are going through is a phase and You can overcome it. 

I'll be sharing more experiences and tips on how to become a better blogger.
(next I'll be talking about insecurities about looks, style and content) 

 Stay tuned xx

What were the difficulties you had in the early days of your blogging career? What's your advice to overcome them?  Tell me in the comment box below!  

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